Scholarships Offered Through Our Member Banks
In support of the South Dakota Bankers Foundation's re-defined mission statement "Developing South Dakota Banking Industry Professionals," the scholarship programming offered through the Foundation has been redesigned. The Foundation has created a scholarship opportunity that will more directly help to build and sustain South Dakota’s banking workforce.
Scholarship Request Form (due 6/14/2024)
The parameters of this new opportunity are:
1. Scholarships:
2. Scholarship recipients will be required to sign a release form allowing the Foundation to use their name/likeness. 3. The $4,000 may be split and awarded to multiple students. 4. No match is required. 5. If total applications exceed available funds, awards will be prorated to service as many member banks as possible.
For more information on South Dakota Bankers Foundation scholarships, contact Foundation Executive Director Halley Lee.